Julie Leads Generations

Dave and Julie McIntosh lead our Navigator work at Macquarie University. This is one story of what God has been doing through Navigators to grow generations of disciples. Julie shares:

During my first two years serving at Macquarie University, it felt as though almost all of our female students graduated or moved away. Questions of inadequacy and God’s plans plagued me. Among 40,000 students on campus, the vast majority need Jesus, and yet it seemed there were few women interested. Our prayer letters repeatedly asked for God to bring women into contact with us who I could invest in.

Our vision was, and continues to be, to see Christian students develop a heart to introduce the lost to Jesus and to be equipped to invest deeply in the lives of others. Our prayer is, with God’s help, to raise a generation of Christian students discipling the next generation of labourers. (more…)


Our heart is to advance the Gospel among the nations for the glory of God. World mission has been a hallmark of the Navigator ministry since inception. We are part of a worldwide movement having full and part-time missionaries and key laypeople working in over 100 countries: 30 or more of these are in the 10/40 Window.

Australian Overseas Missionaries are serving in South East Asia, the Frontiers of Asia and the USA. Some of these missionaries are bi-vocational in that they contribute to the countries in which they serve in social, medical or other developmental areas in addition to traditional Navigator ministry. We welcome inquires to be involved …


Navigators have been involved with the Australian Defence Force (ADF) since 1971. We have networks comprised of people whose love for God overflows in a passion to take the Gospel to the lost and lead disciples who make other disciples. Our communities are composed of people from all ranks, and an atmosphere of grace and love characterises our interaction with each other. We focus on the Bible as the foundation for all we do and are strong on prayer following the persistent urging and quiet nudging of the Holy Spirit. Life-on-life discipleship is our hallmark.

We have a strong community at the Australian Defence Force Academy and the Royal Military College. This community is integrated into the broader Christian community in Canberra including our work at ANU and with families in Canberra, many of whom are military families.

You can download the ADFA RMC Navigators – Flyer for more information and contact details:

Our sister organisation, Solid Rock, also ministers to Defence wives/partners and female serving members. Visit their website here: Solid Rock Website

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