Vulnerable People and Privacy Policy
Vulnerable People
One of the Navigators core values is the dignity and value of every person. According to Scripture every one of us is made in the image of God. Indeed, God knitted us together in our mother’s womb and we were fearfully and wonderfully made the Bible says. More even than that, Jesus became a man to live a perfect life and die in our place because He loves us. Every person is a priceless treasure, according to Scripture, and has inherent dignity and value.
The Navigators want to treat people accordingly. Every person, but especially those who are vulnerable like children, the elderly, those whose first language is not English, the disabled, those with mental health conditions need to be valued and respected. Our Working with Vulnerable People Policy reflects this, and you can view it on Vulnerable People Policy page.
We are committed to keeping people safe, to valuing and loving people. If you feel we are not living up to our value the best way to resolve it is to talk to any Navigator staff, all of whom are trained. Alternatively, you can make a complaint or blow the whistle on the Complaint and Whistle Blowing page.
Privacy Policy
The Australian Navigators is committed to complying with the National Privacy Principles. Click here to read more about our Privacy Policy.