G’day from Melbourne – an update
By Mike Johnson, Melbourne Labouring Community
Intercession for the people of our city has been a primary goal for us this year.
Beginning with God, we then attempt to pray for the people and great needs of our city based on our meditation on the character and attributes of God.
Using this approach, at the beginning of the year our Navigator workers focused daily prayer on the education institutions of the city and the Nav university ministries. Later some of us went out on the streets in the city business district to pray. Now as the year concludes our city team will be spending another season of prayer praying for the 31 Local Government Areas of the city. Research from recent census data will inform this prayer time.
Wrestling in prayer! Persevering with the expectation that God will act for His glory! Seeking the removal of obstacles for the advance of the Gospel! Asking God to draw people to Himself and break up the hard ground in their hearts.
All around and within, a spiritual battle rages. It’s a normal part of our Christian experience. We need one another’s prayers to persevere and stay courageous in this struggle. Like the apostle Paul who made the request of the Romans ‘…join me in my struggle by praying to God for me.’ (Rom 15:30)
So please pray for us and let us know what to pray for you!
For the glory of God,
Mike and Fran
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