Who are the Navigators?
posted by Navigators on March 8th, 2017 in Your Questions Answered
The Navigators is a global discipleship movement of people who want to move forward in their relationship with Jesus and impact the world for Him. We invest deeply in people to see their lives transformed. Our heart is to lead wherever God asks so that, together, we can see the Gospel spread and His kingdom advanced across Australia and in nations throughout the world.Our model of discipleship not only helps people journey through life, it trains them to multiply disciples so their impact continues on, leading individuals – and generations – to Him.
Where are Navigators around the world?
The Navigators Worldwide Partnership has 5,370 staff, including 2,271 cross cultural missionaries in 110 countries, using 130 languages, over 7 regions: North American Region, Latin American Region, Europe Region, Mena Region, Africa Region, Eurasia Region, and the Asia Pacific Region.
Isn’t it amazing how God has taken the vision He gave to one man and made it a reality across the nations! We are so blessed to be used by God in such an amazing way. Pray with us that God would continue to use Navigators around the world to reach every nation in His name.
What influence do Navigators have in Australia?
In Australia we have 120 Staff, Associate Staff and Apprentices, with ministries to Students, Military personnel, Churches, Business people and in the community. Our ministries and contacts are spread throughout Australia, with the majority located on the East Coast.
How can I connect with Navigators near me?
You can contact our Community Leaders on our Community Page. Or contact our National Office on (02) 8814 5006, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.