Labourers Evenings and Prayer Breakfasts

Labourers Evenings: Join us for fellowship with like-minded labourers, training in making disciples, and delicious food! These dinners will take place every second month on a Saturday afternoon, starting at 4:30 pm. Food provided, kids welcome: there will be an activity for them during the training part of the evening.

Prayer Breakfasts: We’d like to focus more on prayer in 2024, so set your alarms for our Prayer Breakfasts, scheduled for alternate months to the Labourers Evening. These will run from 7:00 am to 8:30 am on a weekday, food provided.


23/3: Labourer’s Evening 1
24/4: Prayer Breakfast
25/5: Labourer’s Evening 2
5/6: Prayer Breakfast
29/6: Canberra-wide fundraising dinner (details to come)
27/7: Labourer’s Evening 3
28/8: Prayer Breakfast
28/9: Labourer’s Evening 4
23/10: Prayer Breakfast
30/11: Labourer’s Evening 5

More information about each event will be provided as they come near.

For details of Labourer Evenings and Prayer Breakfasts, contact Luke Midena using button below.

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