Can you be a Christian in the Military?

Can you be a Christian in the Military?

Yes, absolutely! In Acts 10 we see the example of the Centurion Cornelius who spread the Good News of peace through Jesus Christ to many people. Within Navigators there are many people who are serving, or have served, with distinction in the Australian Defence Force. Many also served in an operational setting overseas.

What are unique challenges to Military ministry?

Time – The military takes training very seriously therefore people have very little free time. While sharing the Gospel or discipling someone you must make the most of every moment you have with them wherever it is … this sometimes takes

Postings – Each 2-3 years a family could be moved between cities or to an isolated town. This can make it difficult to get to know someone well and temporary goodbyes are hard. Deployment is also a possibility during those postings!

What are unique opportunities within Military ministry?

Time and postings can also be opportunities. They can give us access to various communities. Being a part of the ‘profession of arms’ means that military personnel are more willing to discuss the ‘big’ questions of life. Important questions like: “What is important in life?” “How should we live and serve others?” “What happens when you die?”

How can we pray for Navigators Military ministry?

– Pray more people will come to faith in Jesus.
– Pray for the current labourers in Canberra, Sydney, Brisbane, Williamtown and Darwin, and for more labourers to join them.
– Pray for safety of personnel on operations overseas. This increased danger is a time where people explore what they believe more deeply.
– Pray for Defence families. It is tough to have loved ones away on training, exercises or deployments.
– Pray for us to be able to serve these families well.

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